[MATHLINK] MCLS meeting!!

nancy c. jordan njordan at udel.edu
Sun Jun 2 21:55:04 EDT 2019

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone in Ottawa on June 16. Just a reminder that on Day 1 there are pre-conference workshops from 9 am to 12, followed by a lunch and welcome session!!   Then we kick off symposia, poster sessions, and lightning talks. 

Also, encourage colleagues and members to join our mathlink listserv  https://www.the-mcls.org/mailman/listinfo/mathlink_the-mcls.org  This is a great place for posting job announcements, doctoral programs, etc. to researchers in math cognition.

Let us know if you have any questions.


Nancy C. Jordan
Dean Family Endowed Chair and Professor of Education

Chair of the Governing Board, Mathematical Cognition & Learning Society

201D  Willard Hall
16 W. Main St.
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716

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