[MATHLINK] Systematic review on domain-specific predictors of mathematical achievement.

Carola Ruiz carolaruizh at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 21:15:11 EDT 2020


As part of a systematic review we are looking for unpublished data.

The review includes longitudinal studies that:

1) have assessed domain-specific skills (ANS, Mapping of symbolic and
non-symbolic magnitudes, number comparison, subitizing, counting,
patterning, transcoding, number line estimation, ordinality, math fluency,
calculation and mathematical reasoning) in the first year of formal
schooling (reporting on one of these skills independently from others)


 2) have assessed math achievement at a later grade in primary school (up
to grade 6).

Please get in touch with me if you have anything that seems relevant or if
there are any clarifications needed.


Carola Ruiz

PhD candidate

School of Education

Macquarie University

carola.ruizhornblas at hdr.mq.edu.au

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