[MATHLINK] Opportunities for MCLS Trainees

Ribner, Andrew David andy.ribner at pitt.edu
Sat Mar 21 12:37:10 EDT 2020

Hi Everyone,

We hope this email finds you well and that everyone is staying safe and sane in this weird time. We recognize everyone (ourselves included) are upset by the cancellation of the in-person meeting of MCLS 2020. We were so looking forward to catching up, meeting new people, discussing science, and forming lasting collaborations with one another. That said, we recognize this was the right decision and hope that everyone is and will continue to stay safe and sane in this weird time.

Given the strange conditions under which everyone is working, we are hoping to be able to develop supports for trainees (broadly defined as research assistants, undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, and educators). We hope this will be an opportunity to continue to be productive, discuss science, develop collaborations, and, most importantly, make friends. We are sharing this quick 3-5 minute questionnaire with the main goal of receiving feedback on ways we can support one another and to generate event ideas for future meetings.

Please fill out our questionnaire here:https://forms.gle/e4imiejvVLZmeL9C6 and we’ll try our best to work with everyone!

Thank you so much for answering this questionnaire and for being an MCLS Trainee!

If you don't already, please follow the MCLS Training Board on Twitter (@MCLStrainee) and join our Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/MCLStrainees).

Thanks so much,
The MCLS Training Board

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