[MATHLINK] MCLS Virtual Brown Bag on Embodied Cognition TOMORROW!

MCLS Trainee mclstrainee at gmail.com
Thu May 14 15:46:47 EDT 2020

Dear MCLS Community,

It is with great excitement that we announce our first virtual brown bag
taking place *tomorrow*, May 15 at 11:00am EST // 4pm BST. Our first topic
is Embodied Cognition, and we are lucky to be joined by Jasmine Ma from NYU
and Korbinian Moeller from Loughborough University. Full information to
join (including by phone) is at the end of this message, or you can use the
link here: https://pitt.zoom.us/j/9634841330. Please see below for brief
abstracts from each of our presenters.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
The MCLS Training Board

*Jasmine Ma, Associate Professor of Math Education, Teaching and Learning,
NYU Steinhardt*

*Liberating Bodies: Ensemble Knowing and Learning in Walking Scale
Mathematics*While mathematical cognition and learning is typically
considered to occur inside the brain of individuals, many theories have
been developed to help us understand mathematics as an activity that is
distributed across individuals as well as material and cultural tools. In
this talk I explore one possibility for an embodied framing to investigate
a designed walking scale mathematics activity. I argue that embodied
theories not only provide alternative conceptualizations from which to
understand mathematics learning, but also have significant consequences for
what counts as mathematics, who has access to learning it, and how.

*Korbinian Moeller, Professor of Mathematical Cognition, Mathematics
Education Centre, Loughborough University*
*Grasping numbers: finger-based representations in numerical development*
Almost all children spontaneously use their fingers for counting of initial
calculations at some point of their numerical development. However, there
seems to be inconsistent reception of this in the literature on math
education and numerical cognition research. While the latter clearly
identified beneficial influences of finger-based representations (involving
finger motor and sensory skills) and strategies, the former is more
cautious about finger use as a tool to foster early numerical development.
In this talk I will first describe recent findings illustrating the
beneficial association of finger-based representations and strategies with
as well as their longitudinal relevance for the development of early
numerical abilities. I then discuss how finger-based representations and
strategies may be considered in a model of numerical development before
presenting the results of two intervention studies providing evidence for
the potential of (app-based) finger-based trainings but also their limits.

Ribner, Andrew David is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Ribner, Andrew David's Zoom Meeting
Time: May 15, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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