[MATHLINK] Have questions for our Academic Job Panel?

MCLS Trainee mclstrainee at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 10:41:52 EDT 2021

Dear MCLS Community,

Thanks for joining our symposium, *"**The interplay of vocabulary, reading
competence and early number concept development: Linguistic perspectives on
early numeracy in South Africa*" yesterday! In case you missed it, it's up
on your YouTube channel (see below for link).

Next week we have our academic job market panel (*Friday Aug 20*, 11am ET
// 4pm BST) featuring MCLS members Julia Bahnmueller, Jenny Chan, Sarah
Eason, Karina Hamamouche, Mojtaba Soltanlou, and Eric Wilkey. Our panelists
are Assistant Professors in the US, England, and Hong Kong and have
experiences applying to jobs in a range of countries and settings. If you
have questions you'd like answered (no matter how silly it may seem!) we
encourage you to ask them here: https://forms.gle/sR5otUzxzdvGSYUk8

As always, you can join the room for this year's meetings at any time from
the link https://tinyurl.com/MCLS2021
ID: 225 833 7242, Passcode: MCLS2021).

Thanks so much and we hope to see you tomorrow!
The MCLS Conference Organizing Committee

*Past Events and News: *

   - Did you miss the panel last week on Alt/Non-Academic Careers? It's
   available to watch now on the MCLS Trainee
   Thanks again to our awesome panelists for joining.
   - Also, be sure to check out the current version of the full MCLS 2021
   program by clicking here

*Upcoming Events and News:*

   - Friday, August 20 @ 11am-1pm EST // 4pm-6pm BST - Workshop: Applying
   for Academic Jobs featuring Julia Bahnmueller, Jenny Chan, Sarah Eason,
   Karina Hamamouche, Mojtaba Soltanlou, and Eric Wilkey
   - Thursday, August 26th @ 9:00-10:00am EST // 2:00-3:00pm BST - TBA
   (Organizer: TBA)

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