[MATHLINK] MCLS Symposium March 16 -- Cross-representational knowledge: Connecting fractions and decimals

MCLS Trainee mclstrainee at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 16:22:37 EDT 2021

Dear MCLS Community,

Please be sure to join us for our next symposium *“Cross-representational
knowledge: Connecting fractions and decimals*" *tomorrow Thursday, March 16
at 9am EST // 1pm London (**NOTE THE TIME DIFFERENCE**).* We're excited to
hear from Hilma Halme (University of Turku, Finland), David Braithwaite
(Florida State University, USA), Ilyse Resnick (University of Canberra,
Australia), and Jo Van Hoof (KU Leuven, Belgium). See below for an abstract.


MCLS Trainee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: MCLS Symposium March 16
Time: Mar 16, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 225 833 7242
Passcode: MCLS2020b

Other Announcements:

   - Please submit your questions
   our panel discussion on the Academic Job Market on March 30. We look
   forward to future discussions on non-academic and alt-academic job markets
   in the future.
   - Also wanted to remind everyone that the submission Qualtrics is open
   for the 2021 conference
   The call for abstract can be found here
      - Deadlines for all submission types are April 15 and June 1. Neither
      date will receive priority, but submissions for the April 15 deadline are
      more likely to be scheduled earlier in our program.
      - We will have ongoing calls for lightning talks and posters
      throughout the year to be able to address up-to-the-minute
emerging science.
   - We are also inviting reviewers for conference submissions at all
   levels. Volunteer to be a reviewer here

Finally, be sure to mark your calendars for our upcoming events:

*Thursday, March 25 (*MCLS LATE NIGHT* 6pm EST) *- Principle knowledge in
mathematics: its development, cognitive predictors, and potential
*Tuesday, March 30 (9 am-11am EST // 2 hour workshop) *- Panel Discussion
on the Academic Job Market (confirmed speakers: Camilla Gilmore, Nancy
Jordan, Kerry Lee, Jo-Anne LeFevre, Koleen McKrink, H-C Nuerk)
*No meeting week of April 5 on account of SRCD*
*Tuesday, April 13 (9 am EST) *- Spontaneous mathematical focusing
tendencies and the development of early mathematical skills

The MCLS Training Board


Fractions and decimals are uniquely important and uniquely difficult in
children’s mathematical development. Much previous research has
investigated children’s understanding of fractions and decimals
separately—that is, within-representational knowledge. This symposium will
investigate individual differences in children’s cross-representational
knowledge—that is, knowledge of relations between fractions and decimals.
The four talks comprising the symposium will discuss children’s ability to
switch between fraction and decimal representations (Halme), fraction
versus decimal comparison and its relations to rational number arithmetic
skill (Braithwaite), the parallel development of fraction and decimal
magnitude knowledge and its relations to math achievement (Resnick), and
the development of learners’ understanding of the dense structure of
fractions and decimals (van Hoof). The findings indicate that
cross-representational knowledge predicts various outcomes above and beyond
the contribution of within-representational knowledge and that some aspects
of rational number understanding may develop with decimals earlier than
with fractions.

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