[MATHLINK] Faculty Position in Special Education with an Emphasis on Research Methods and Assessment at Vanderbilt

Purpura, David J purpura at purdue.edu
Tue Nov 2 10:58:19 EDT 2021

Hi all,

I was asked to share the attached position announcement at Vanderbilt University in Special Education with an Emphasis on Research Methods and Assessment. Please direct questions to the search chair Dr. Laurie Cutting (laurie.cutting at vanderbilt.edu).



David J. Purpura, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Co-Director, Center for Early Learning
Human Development and Family Studies
Purdue University
1200 W. State Street, Rm 223
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2055
(email) purpura at purdue.edu<mailto:purpura at purdue.edu>
(phone) 765-494-2947

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