[MATHLINK] MCLS Lightning Talks - Friday, October 1st
MCLS Trainee
mclstrainee at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 13:59:43 EDT 2021
Dear MCLS Community,
Please be sure to join us for our next event this *Friday, October 1 @ 11am
EST/4pm BST*. We have an exceptional line up, including:
- *Parent-Child Math Attitude on Home Numeracy Practices: A Perspective
on Canadian Children* by Sabrina Shajeen Alam (PhD Candidate, McGill)
- *The unique contribution of different forms of relational reasoning to
arithmetic computation: Mediating role of complement understanding* by
Yip Sai Kit Eason (Doctoral Student, The University of Hong Kong)
- *Examining the relationship between math-gender stereotyping and
gender-typicality of career aspirations in children* by Rachel Conlon
(Graduate Student, Florida State University)
- *The company a number keeps: Multiplicative processing of largely
composite numbers* by Jeffrey Bye (Lecturer & Research Associate,
University of Minnesota)
- *The Effects of Instructional Practices on Mathematics Achievement for
Students With Mathematics Difficulties in the United States *by Soyoung
Park (Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Texas at Austin)
- *Even Math Teachers Hate Fractions*! by Marta Mielicki (Postdoc, Kent
State University)
- *Korean-Americans Parents’ Support of Early Childhood Numeracy* by
Miso Kim (Undergraduate Student, Elon University)
*Click to join the meeting at anytime*: https://tinyurl.com/MCLS2021
(Meeting ID: 225 833 7242, Password: MCLS2021)
See you all on Friday!
The MCLS Conference Organizing Committee
*Past Events and News: *
- Last week, Alexandria Viegut (PhD Candidate, University of Wisconsin –
Madison) led an excellent symposium, "*Unpacking the Connections between
Fractions Knowledge and Algebra*", which is now available to watch on
the MCLS Trainee Youtube channel! <https://youtu.be/AxSECGs8B1s>
- Also, if you missed the announcement last week, *the Mathematical
Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS) will hold its next in-person meeting
from June 1st-3rd 2022* at Het Pand in the historic centre of Ghent
(Belgium) <https://www.ugent.be/het-pand/nl>. *More information,
including the call for papers, will be coming soon!*
*Upcoming Events and News:*
- Join us next week on *Thursday, October 7 @ 9am EST/ 2pm BST* for a
symposium entitled "*Furthering our Understanding of Ordinal Processing
in both Adults and Children*" by Jane Hutchison (Doctoral Student,
Georgetown University).
All abstracts for the lightning talks this week can be found in the full
MCLS 2021 program by clicking here
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