[MATHLINK] New math cognition publications - 12/22 edition
Libertus, Melissa
LIBERTUS at pitt.edu
Fri Dec 9 09:33:59 EST 2022
Dear MCLS Community,
here is the list of new math cognition publications based on information submitted in November 2022.
To include your new publication in the January edition of this newsletter, please submit your information by January 3rd, 2023:
Interference between naive and scientific theories in mathematics and science:
An fMRI study comparing mathematicians and non-mathematicians
Meier, M.A., Wambacher, D., Vogel, S.E., Grabner, R.H.
Trends in Neuroscience and Education
Conceptual interference, Mathematical expertise, fMRI
michaela.meier at uni-graz.at<mailto:michaela.meier at uni-graz.at>
Estimating the Co-development of Executive Functions and Math Achievement
Throughout the Elementary Grades Using a Cross-lagged Panel Model with Fixed Effects
Zhang, H., Miller-Cotto, D., & Jordan, N.C.
Contemporary Educational Psychology
cross-lagged panel models with fixed effects, executive functions, mathematics
njordan at udel.edu<mailto:njordan at udel.edu>
Time spent playing predicts early reading and math skills through associations with self-regulation
Miller, P., Betancur, L., Coulanges, L., Kammerzell, J., Libertus, M., Bachman, H., Votruba-Drzal, E.
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
Play, self-regulation, reading
plm11 at pitt.edu<mailto:plm11 at pitt.edu>
Is Parental Mathematics Anxiety Associated With ith Young Children's Arithmetical Performance? .
Bellon, E., Van Bergen, E., Dowker, A.
Education Sciences
Arithmetic; mathematics anxiety; parent-child associations associations
elien.bellon at kuleuven.be<mailto:elien.bellon at kuleuven.be>
https://doi.org/10.3390/ educsci12110812
Discerning Developmental Dyscalculia and Neurodevelopmental Models of Numerical Cognition
in a Disadvantaged Educational Context
Santos, F.H., Ribeiro, F.S., Dias-Piovezana, A.L., Primi, Dowker, A., and von Aster, M.
Brain Sciences
developmental dyscalculia; neuropsychology; prevalence
flavia.santos at ucd.ie<mailto:flavia.santos at ucd.ie>
Relationships between mathematics performance and attitudes to mathematics:
influences of gender, test anxiety and working memory
Dowker, A., Sheridan, H.
Frontiers in Psychology
adults; mathematics anxiety; working memory
ann.dowker at psy.ox.ac.uk<mailto:ann.dowker at psy.ox.ac.uk>
Spatial working memory counts: evidence for a specific association between
visuo-spatial working memory and arithmetic in children
Allen, L., Dowker, A.
International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education
Arithmetic Ability, Working Memory, Visuo-Spatial,
ann.dowker at psy.ox.ac.uk<mailto:ann.dowker at psy.ox.ac.uk>
Mathematics anxiety-where are we and where shall we go?
Cipora, K., Santos, F., Kucian, K, Dowker, A.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
mathematics anxiety; mathematics performance; psychology
Cognitive predictors of children's arithmetic principle understanding
Wong, T. T.-Y.
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Arithmetic principles; Cognitive predictors; Conceptual knolwedge
terrytyw at hku.hk<mailto:terrytyw at hku.hk>
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