[MATHLINK] This week: Symposium on relations between math anxiety & achievement - Friday 2/11 @ 11am

MCLS Trainee mclstrainee at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 09:25:09 EST 2022

Dear MCLS Community,

Please be sure to join us for our next symposium, this* Friday, February
11th @ 11am EST* *// 4pm GMT, *entitled, "Math anxiety and the relation
with mathematics achievement from early childhood to adulthood".

This symposium is organized and features a talk by Helene Vos (*Lecturer,
Utrecht University*), and also includes speakers Dawn Short (*Doctoral
Student, Abertay University*), and Brenda Jansen (*Associate Professor,
University of Amsterdam*). The full abstract for this symposium is
available at the bottom of this email.

*Click to join the meeting at anytime*: https://tinyurl.com/MCLS2021
(Meeting ID: 225 833 7242, Password: MCLS2021)

Hope to see you there!
The MCLS Conference Organizing Committee
*Past Events and News: *

   - The first round of lightning talks from last week are now available to
   watch on the MCLS Trainee Youtube channel!
   - Access the full MCLS 2021 program (which include the talks scheduled
   through May, 2022) by clicking here

*Upcoming Events and News:*

   - The conference website for MCLS 2022 in Belgium is live:
      - *Submissions are due February 11, 2022* *at midnight CET *
      - For questions about the Belgium conference, please contact the
      conference organizers at info at mcls2022.com

Mathematics achievement depends on individuals’ affective attitude towards
math. Unfortunately, for many individuals performing mathematics goes along
with math anxiety which can be defined as a feeling of tension,
apprehension or fear when engaging with mathematics (Ashcraft, 2002). Math
anxiety is highly prevalent and appears to increase with age. A robust
finding in the literature is that math anxiety is related to lower
mathematics achievement. In addition, math anxiety can also lead to
avoidance of math-related situations. The high prevalence and widespread
consequences of math anxiety illustrate the importance of understanding
math anxiety in different age groups. This symposium brings together
research on different facets of math anxiety. The first presentation
explores the relation between math anxiety and mathematics achievement in
low and high SES children in the first years of formal education. The
second presentation discusses whether math anxiety is separable from test
anxiety and reading anxiety in fifth graders. The third presentation shows
that math anxiety plays a mediating role in the relation between gender and
adults’ arithmetic and mathematics achievement. Focusing on different
facets and age groups, the presentations provide insights into the
underlying mechanisms of math anxiety.

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