[MATHLINK] Call for Unpublished Data on Children's Gender Stereotypes about STEM

Jillian Lauer jl11030 at nyu.edu
Mon Jun 13 09:12:03 EDT 2022

(Our apologies for cross-posting!)

Hello All,

My colleagues and I are conducting an NSF-funded
<https://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1920401> meta-analysis on the
development of gender stereotypes about STEM and verbal abilities, led by
Dr. David Miller at American Institutes for Research (see our
pre-registration here

We are providing $100 Amazon.com gift cards for authors who provide
unpublished data on *children’s gender stereotypes about abilities in any
STEM or verbal domain*. Eligible studies must have included children under
18 years of age and administered a measure of gender stereotypes about STEM
or verbal ability (e.g., questions about whether girls or boys are better
at math). Studies examining gender stereotypes about STEM interests or
cultural fit are not eligible, nor are studies that assessed stereotypes
after a stereotype-threat manipulation.

If you may have an unpublished study that meets these criteria, please
complete this short initial eligibility survey:


After you complete the survey, our team will follow up with you via email.
If your study is eligible and you provide the necessary data, we will
provide you with a $100 Amazon.com gift card as a token of our appreciation
for your time. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me (
jillian.lauer at nyu.edu) with any questions, and thank you very much to all
in advance!

All the best,

Jillian Lauer, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow & Instructor
Department of Psychology
New York University
jillian.lauer at nyu.edu

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