[MATHLINK] Change of MCLS 2023 dates to Mo, 5 June to Th, 8 June

Libertus, Melissa LIBERTUS at pitt.edu
Thu Jan 19 22:33:20 EST 2023

Dear MCLS community,

When monitoring the availability of accommodations in Loughborough for the conference dates, we became aware that the availability of the hotels on campus and in town is already very limited – which is unusual as there are several options available. As described on the conference website, hotels work on a first-come, first-served basis and we are not able to block hotel rooms for conference guests in advance because hotels require payment in advance.

When looking further into this, it became clear that a big festival in the area will take place from Thursday, 8 June to Sunday, 11 June with up to 110,000 guests. This festival is usually a 3-day festival, but this year due to their 20th anniversary they announced a 4th festival day in late autumn resulting in the overlap with our conference dates (the night from Thursday to Friday).

Together with the MCLS board, we have considered various options to solve this issue and have decided that shifting the conference dates to one day earlier is the most feasible solution.

Therefore, the conference dates have been changed from Tuesday 6 June (pre-conference workshops) + Wednesday-Friday 7-9 June (conference) to

the new conference dates ** Monday, 5 June 2023 to Thursday, 8 June 2023 **
with pre-conference workshops taking place on Monday afternoon (5 June) followed by three conference days (6-8 June).

We appreciate that this solution is not ideal as some attendees might have made arrangements already or have other responsibilities for Monday 5 June. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. However, in our view, this is preferable to having the majority of attendees travel every day.

Please get in touch via mcls2023 at mailbox.lboro.ac.uk<mailto:mcls2023 at mailbox.lboro.ac.uk> should there be any questions.

Many thanks

The MCLS 2023 organising committee

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