[MATHLINK] New Mathematical Cognition and Learning Publications - March 2023
Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society
mathcognitionlearningsociety at gmail.com
Wed Mar 1 18:03:13 EST 2023
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** New math cognition publications
Dear MCLS Community,
here is the list of new math cognition publications based on information submitted in January and February 2023.
To include your new publication in the April edition of this newsletter, please submit your information by March 31st, 2023:
The influence of home environmental factors on kindergarten children's addition strategy use
DePascale, M., Jaeggi, S. M., & Ramani, G. B.
Frontiers in Psychology
addition strategy, SES, home learning environment
mary.depascale at bc.edu (mailto:mary.depascale at bc.edu)
The relationship between primary school children’s inhibition and the processing of rational numbers
De Keersmaeker, K., Van Hoof, J., & Van Dooren, W.
European Journal of Psychology of Education
inhibition, natural number bias, rational numbers
karen.dekeersmaeker at kuleuven.be (mailto:karen.dekeersmaeker at kuleuven.be)
A refined description of initial symbolic number acquisition
Attila Krajcsi, Edina Fintor
Cognitive Development
Cardinality principle; Give a number task; Subset-knowers; Preschoolers’ number knowledge
krajcsi at gmail.com (mailto:krajcsi at gmail.com)
The approximate number system cannot be the leading factor in the acquisition of the first symbolic numbers
Krajcsi, A., Fedele, M., Reynvoet, B.
Cognitive Development
Approximate number system; Subset-knowers; Symbolic number acquisition; Numerical cognition development
krajcsi at gmail.com (mailto:krajcsi at gmail.com)
Stimulus frequency alone can account for the size effect in number comparison
Krajcsi, A., Kojouharova, P.
Acta Psychologica
Symbolic number comparison; Size effect; Distance effect; Approximate number system; Discrete semantic system
krajcsi at gmail.com (mailto:krajcsi at gmail.com)
Training arithmetical skills when finger counting and working memory cannot be used: A single case study in a child with cerebral palsy.
Neveu, Geurten and Rousselle
Applied Neuropsychology: Child
case-control study; evidence-based practice; mathematical cognition
mneveu at uliege.be (mailto:mneveu at uliege.be)
Math self-efficacy or anxiety? The role of emotional and motivational contribution in math performance
Živković, M., Pellizzoni, S., Doz, E., Cuder, A., Mammarella, I., & Passolunghi, M. C.
Social Psychology of Education
positive and negative emotions, self-efficacy, math performance
marija.zivkovic at phd.units.it (mailto:marija.zivkovic at phd.units.it)
With a little help from our pediatrician: An intervention to promote mathematics-related home activities through regular well-child visits
Tomasetto, C., LeFevre, J. A., Passolunghi, M. C., De Vita, C., Guardabassi, V., Brunelli, A., Ciotti, F., & Biasini, G.
Frontiers in Psychology
early numeracy, home mathematics environment, intervention
carlo.tomasetto at unibo.it (mailto:carlo.tomasetto at unibo.it)
Age group differences in SFON tendency and arithmetical skills of four to seven year olds in four countries with different school starting ages
Minna Hannula-Sormunen, Sophie Batchelor, JokeTorbeyns, Victoria Simms, Cristina Nanu, Eero Laakkonen, Bert De Smedt
Cognitive Development
SFON, Arithmetical skills, Age group differences
Minna.Hannula-Sormunen at utu.fi (mailto:Minna.Hannula-Sormunen at utu.fi)
The plural counts: Inconsistent grammatical number hinders numerical development in preschoolers — A cross-linguistic study
Haman, M., Lipowska, K., Soltanlou, M., Cipora, K., Domahs, F., & Nuerk, H.-C.
Cross-linguistic differences, Symbolic number comparison, Grammatical number
maciej.haman at psych.uw.edu.pl (mailto:maciej.haman at psych.uw.edu.pl)
The mathematical brain at rest
Eric D. Wilkey, Ira Gupta, Ashini Peiris, Daniel Ansari
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences
resting state functional connectivity, fMRI, scoping review
daniel.ansari at uwo.ca (mailto:daniel.ansari at uwo.ca)
Spatial visualization and measurement of area: A case study in spatialized mathematics instruction
Harris, D., Logan, T., Lowrie, T.
Journal of Mathematical Behavior
visualization, measurement, area
danielle.harris at canberra.edu.au (mailto:danielle.harris at canberra.edu.au)
Evaluating the impact of supplemental computer-assisted math instruction in elementary school: A conceptual replication
Foster, M. E.
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness
Computer-assisted instruction numeracy geometry
mefoster at usf.edu (mailto:mefoster at usf.edu)
The role of executive function in shaping the longitudinal stability of math achievement during early elementary grades.
Ribner, A., Ahmed, S., Miller-Cotto, D., & Ellis, A.
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
executive function; latent growth curve models; math achievement
andy.ribner at pitt.edu (mailto:andy.ribner at pitt.edu)
How many seconds was that? Teaching children about time does not refine their ability to track durations
Hamamouche, K., Cordes, S.
Timing; Symbolic Representations; Refinement Hypothesis
khamamou at butler.edu (mailto:khamamou at butler.edu)
Young children's career aspirations: Gender differences, STEM ambitions, and expected skill use
Conlon, R.A., Barroso, C., & Ganley, C.M.
The Career Development Quarterly
elementary school, career aspirations, STEM
conlon at psy.fsu.edu (mailto:conlon at psy.fsu.edu)
"We don’t have things for counting": An exploration of early numeracy skills and home learning experiences of children growing up in poverty in South Africa
Merkley, R., Sernoskie, E., Cook, C. J., Howard, S. J., Makaula, H., Mshudulu, M., Tshetu, N., Draper, C. E., & Scerif, G.
Journal of Numerical Cognition
early numeracy, home environment, low-income settings
gaia.scerif at psy.ox.ac.uk (mailto:gaia.scerif at psy.ox.ac.uk)
Adaptive number knowledge among primary school students of various ages
Pehkonen, S., Lehtinen, A., Nieminen, P. & Hähkiöniemi, M.
Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education
Adaptive number knowledge, age differences, latent profile analysis
salla.m.pehkonen at jyu.fi (mailto:salla.m.pehkonen at jyu.fi)
Resisting the urge to calculate: The relation between inhibition skills and perceptual cues in arithmetic performance
Closser, A. H., Chan, J. Y.-C., & Ottmar, E. R.
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
perceptual cues; inhibition; arithmetic
aclosser at purdue.edu (mailto:aclosser at purdue.edu)
Does Parental Self-Efficacy Predict Math Performance Among Black American School-Age Children
Harris, Y.R., Inan, S., Woodbury, G., Modirrousta, A., Lawal, A
Negro Educational Review
parenting self efficacy math
harrisyr at miamioh.edu (mailto:harrisyr at miamioh.edu)
Numerical Cognition after Brain Injury: Is There a Relationship between Subitizing and Arithmetical Abilities?
Gosling, E., Demeyere, N., Dowker, A.
Brain Sciences
Arithmetic; Subitizing; Post-stroke patients
ann.dowker at psy.ox.ac.uk (mailto:ann.dowker at psy.ox.ac.uk)
Conditions of distance learning and teaching and their relation to elementary school children’s basic number skills after the suspension of face-to-face teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic
Orbach, L., Fritz. A., Haase, V.G., Dowker, A., Rasanen, P.
Frontiers in Educational Psychology
COVID- 19; Math achievement; Distance learning,
lars.orbach at gmail.com (mailto:lars.orbach at gmail.com) ; a.fritz.stratmann at gmail.com (mailto:a.fritz.stratmann at gmail.com)
Does Anxiety Explain Why Math-Anxious People Underperform in Math?
Daker RJ, Gattas SU, Necka EA, Green AE, Lyons IM
NPJ: Science of Learning
Math Anxiety, Math Performance, Heart-Rate Variability
rjd107 at georgetown.edu (mailto:rjd107 at georgetown.edu)
Rethinking Executive Functions in Mathematical Cognition
Medrano, J., Prather, R. W.
Journal of Cognition and Development
Executive functions, mathematical cognition, inhibitory control
jmed7 at umd.edu (mailto:jmed7 at umd.edu)
The relation between complement understanding and computational skills: A random intercept cross-lagged panel model
Yip, E. S.-K., Wong, T. T.-Y., & Kwan, K.-T.
Developmental Psychology
complement, computational skills, arithmetic principles
terrytywong at gmail.com (mailto:terrytywong at gmail.com)
A Meta-analysis of the Worked Examples Effect on Mathematics Performance
Barbieri, C.A., Miller-Cotto, D., Clerjuste, S., & Chawla, K.
Educational Psychology Review
worked examples; mathematics; meta-analysis
barbieri at udel.edu (mailto:barbieri at udel.edu)
Let’s be rational: Worked examples supplemented textbooks improve conceptual and fraction knowledge
Barbieri, C.A., Booth, J.L., & Chawla, K.
Educational Psychology
worked examples; fractions; rational numbers
barbieri at udel.edu (mailto:barbieri at udel.edu)
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Modeling the left digit effect in adult number line estimation
Patalano, A.L., Kayton, K., & Barth, H.
left digit effect, number line estimation, mathematical modeling
apatalano at wesleyan.edu (mailto:apatalano at wesleyan.edu)
How does the modern home environment impact children's mathematics knowledge? Evidence from Canadian elementary children's digital home numeracy practice (DHNP)
Alam, S. S.., Dubé, A.K.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
Digital Home Numeracy
sabrina.alam at mail.mcgill.ca (mailto:sabrina.alam at mail.mcgill.ca)
Measuring Digital Home Numeracy Practice: A Scale Development and Validation Study
Alam, S.S., Dubé, A.K.
Journal of Research in Childhood Education
Digital Home Numeracy
sabrina.alam at mail.mcgill.ca (mailto:sabrina.alam at mail.mcgill.ca)
Topographical map for quantities – Indeed? Commentary on Harvey et al 2013, 2017
Leibovich-Raveh, T.
Current Research in Behavioral Sciences
passive viewing task, quantities, continuous magnitudes
talil at edu.haifa.ac.il (mailto:talil at edu.haifa.ac.il)
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