[MATHLINK] Meta-analysis call for data: Effectiveness of spacing and retrieval for the retention of mathematics

Ribner, Andy andy.ribner at pitt.edu
Tue Nov 28 11:51:34 EST 2023

Please see below for a message from MCLS member Ewan Murray:

Dear MCLS Community,

I'm currently collecting data for a meta analysis looking into the effectiveness of spacing and retrieval for the retention of mathematics. In an effort to find unpublished grey literature, I would love to use your mailing list to inquire if its members can help.

Effectiveness of spacing and retrieval for the retention of mathematics: Meta-analysis call for data
I am an ex-mathematics teacher currently undertaking a PhD in Psychology, at the University of York, under the supervision of Dr Silke Göbel and Dr Aidan J Horner. My project is focused on how mathematical procedural complexity affects the efficacy of spaced retrieval practice. I am currently working on a meta-analysis synthesising the results of experiments that use the spacing or testing effect to improve the retention of mathematics material. I am looking for grey literature or unpublished data to try to avoid the file drawer problem.
Inclusion criteria:
·  The experiment uses either spaced repetition or retrieval practice (or both)
·  Participants required to learn mathematics material
·  Performance measured on a post-test
·  English abstract
Exclusion criteria:
·  Non-experimental designs
·  Not at least two conditions or groups
·  Clinical populations
·  Effect size not solely based on mathematics material
If you have any unpublished data that fits this call it would be of great assistance if you could email:
Ewan Murray
ewan.murray at york.ac.uk<mailto:ewan.murray at york.ac.uk>

I am very sure that everyone is busy, so I will endeavour to make it as easy as possible to transfer the necessary information.


Andrew Ribner, PhD

Research Associate
Learning Research and Development Center
University of Pittsburgh

Incoming Assistant Professor of Psychology
Chatham University

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