[MATHLINK] Special issue ‘Cognitive, cultural and evolutionary influences in number processing’ (Psychological Research)

Krzysztof Cipora K.Cipora at lboro.ac.uk
Mon Oct 30 17:50:31 EDT 2023

Dear all,

Together with Valter Prpic (Bolonia), Luisa Lugli (Bolonia), and Mauro Murgia (Trieste), we are setting up a special issue on numerical cognition in Psychological Research.
Please see details before. Some of you might have seen this announcement already on twitter / bluesky thus sorry for cross-posting.
See the details below.

Please note that theoretical / review articles / opinions are welcome. We also encourage authors to submit empirically grounded papers, that aim at answering questions about the “big picture” with some broader theoretical speculation over empirical data.

Best wishes,

Special issue on ‘Cognitive, cultural and evolutionary influences in number processing’ (Psychological Research)

This special issue aims to collect the latest developments in the field of numerical cognition and to provide a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon by including a variety of contributions from different disciplines and approaches. In particular, we welcome contributions that shed light on cognitive influences (e.g., attention, perception, memory), developmental and cultural factors, and biological and evolutionary foundations that play a role in number processing.

For more details please visit the webpage of the Special Issue: https://link.springer.com/collections/bbgceajhdh

Manuscript Submission Deadline: 30 April 2024

Special Issue Guest Editors:
Dr. Valter Prpic
Dr. Luisa Lugli
Dr. Mauro Murgia
Dr. Krzysztof Cipora

Dr Krzysztof Cipora
Lecturer in Mathematical Cognition
Centre for Mathematical Cognition, Loughborough University
Email: k.cipora at lboro.ac.uk<mailto:k.cipora at lboro.ac.uk>
Wav 1.12 (Wavy Top building)
Publications: https://repository.lboro.ac.uk/authors/Krzysztof_Cipora/8518020
Twitter: @krzysztofcipora

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