[MATHLINK] Research experience for undergraduate students @ Gallaudet University
Ilaria Berteletti
ilaria.berteletti at gallaudet.edu
Mon Dec 16 16:31:04 CST 2024
Dear colleagues:
I would be grateful if you could reshare the following undergraduate
research opportunity with your students.
Many have started but have not completed their application, and we hope
they will take the time to complete it during the winter break.
Thank you,
*Please share with undergraduate students.*
> Dear community:
> We are excited to share that we will host a fully-funded 8-week *R*esearch
> *E*xperience for *U*ndergraduates this summer within the Visual Language
> and Visual Learning Center, VL2.
> *[ASL video
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/18YQO9Raf49Jp1diQCd3RwcHi4WR9kYoW/view?usp=sharing>]
> *The purpose of this REU Site ASL-English Bilingual Cognitive and
> Educational Neuroscience Training and Research Experience (CENTRE) is to *provide
> undergraduate students (including rising freshmen) *with research *training
> in cognitive neuroimaging methods *(theoretical and practical), hands-on
> research work in a cognitive neuroscience lab, individualized mentoring,
> and an enduring network, all *within a fully accessible ASL-English
> bilingual environment*. Students will also learn about the neuroethical
> challenges related to neuroimaging research concerning the Deaf and
> Hard-of-Hearing population. The final goal is to acquire research
> experience to enhance the likelihood of succeeding in STEM fields and
> entering advanced graduate studies.
> *For more information and instructions on how to apply, please visit our
> website
> <https://sites.google.com/gallaudet.edu/nsf-reu-edneuroscience/home?authuser=1>. *
> *ASL videos are available on the application page
> <https://sites.google.com/gallaudet.edu/nsf-reu-edneuroscience/application?authuser=1>.*
> Please share this with your students, *including rising Freshmen (i.e.,
> high school students entering college in the fall of 2025)*. Prior
> research experience is NOT required. ASL knowledge is encouraged, but
> accessibility support will be provided to DHH students who don't know ASL.
> Only US citizens and legal US residents are eligible to apply.
> Sincerely,
> Ilaria Berteletti
> *Program Director, **Ph.D. in Educational Neuroscience (PEN) *
> *Associate Professor*
> *Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Secretary*
> *Director of the Numeracy and Educational Neuroscience Laboratory
> <https://sites.google.com/gallaudet.edu/nens-lab/home>*
> *Director of the PEN Distinguished Lecture Series **and University
> Partnerships (MOUs) and **Faculty Liaison to the **PEN-VL2 Student
> Leadership Team *
> *Gallaudet University*
> *Sorenson Language and Communication Center, 1221*
> *800 Florida Ave, N.E.*
> *Washington, D.C. 20002*
> *USA*
> *Tel: 202 651 5673*
> *VP: 202 779 9683*
> *Please use this link to schedule 30-minutes meetings
> <https://calendly.com/ilaria-berteletti/30min>with me. *
> *Are you interested in joining our Ph.D. in Educational Neuroscience
> Program? More information here: *https://tinyurl.com/PENProgram
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