[MATHLINK] Looking for English-speaking volunteer participants in short math-vocabulary experiment

Dror Dotan dotandro at mail.tau.ac.il
Tue Jan 16 10:44:58 EST 2024

Dear friends,

Sorry to bug you with a special request. We still need many more *native
English volunteers* for our simple test of math vocabulary.

The test is very simple, runs on-line, and only takes about 15 minutes (a
bit longer if you have advanced math education).

All the participant has to do is click on this link and follow the


We would like to have a large sample of participants at various educational
levels, ranging from students or professionals with high-level math to
people who dropped out from school and/or never did much math.

Can you pass the word around through the various mailing lists that you may

A huge thanks – and best wishes for 2024!

Stanislas Dehaene and Samuel Planton
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