[MATHLINK] Our Mathematical World Book Series - Available October 7

Purpura, David J purpura at purdue.edu
Wed Oct 2 07:41:28 CST 2024

Dear Colleagues,
Over the last few years, our research team has been working on the development of a book series called Our Mathematical World (OMW). This is a series of five illustrated books for students in later elementary school that are designed to support their mathematical problem-solving skills, executive functions, math vocabulary, and math identity. OMW follows a group of five friends (Pilar, Uriah, Lamar, Simone, and Eduardo) as they work together to solve math problems in their community using the metacognitive problem-solving approach PULSE (Pause, Understand and Remember, Lay it Out, Solve, and Evaluate). The books were co-designed with educators and students and will be available in both English and Spanish versions. Book development was funded by the Advanced Education Research and Development Fund’s (AERDF) EF+Math Program.
We are excited to share that the books will be published through Amazon and will be available on October 7th, 2024 and they can be found at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DH7YBJHW. If you would like to be notified of the link to purchase them when they are published, please complete this form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7Beo6UNkmC2m9Z0A5PPMJJ43o3i08D0gdzY2k8Q2UkDNfcA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link>. Please share this information with friends and colleagues to get the word out about these books!
David Purpura, Caroline Hornburg, and the Our Mathematical World Team


David J. Purpura, Ph.D.

Professor, Human Development and Family Science

Director, Center for Early Learning
Purdue University
1202 Mitch Daniels Blvd, Rm 310J
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2055
(email) purpura at purdue.edu<mailto:purpura at purdue.edu>
(phone) 765-494-2947

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