[MATHLINK] PhD position

Bert De Smedt bert.desmedt at kuleuven.be
Wed May 20 03:32:53 EDT 2020

In the picture! Using picture books to enhance young children's mathematical development


The present PhD project focuses on the stimulation of young children's (i.e., 3-6-year-olds) mathematical development via picture books. Special attention is paid to the characteristics (content-related characteristics, structural characteristics) of picture books that enhance young children's mathematical reflections and interactions. The PhD project will involve a series of empirical studies that can be conducted in experimental as well as ecologically valid research settings. These studies will involve the systematic analysis of the characteristics and use of picture books in association with young children's mathematical development. We also plan to evaluate the effectiveness of a powerful teaching/learning environment for enhancing young children's mathematical competencies using picture books.


The PhD candidate must realize his/her PhD project within a period of 4 years. The core of the PhD activities are the design and execution of empirical studies and the dissemination of his/her work via international journals and conferences. The PhD candidate is additionally, but to a limited extent, involved in teaching assistance.

We are looking for candidates with the following credentials

- completed (on 1 October 2020) a Master's degree in Educational Sciences, Psychology, Speech therapy and audiology sciences, or related disciplines with an emphasis on educational and behavioral research

- completed his/her studies with excellent results (at least the level of distinction)

- special interest in picture books, early mathematical competencies and early childhood education; experience in one or more of these topics is a surplus

- competent in both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies

- creative and critical thinking; analytic and inquiring mind

- focused on obtaining well-defined results

- able to work both independently and in team

- good communication skills in view of fruitful collaborations within the research group and with the preschool teachers

- excellent mastery of the Dutch language, as all data collection is organized in Dutch-speaking schools

- good mastery of the English language

- motivated to engage in international exchange


We offer a stimulating research environment, in which the PhD candidate can realize his/her own PhD project in close collaboration with senior and junior researchers from the own research group and other (national and international) research groups.

We offer a 12 months full-time appointment to start with, to be extended with a further 36 months contingent on a satisfactory performance during the first year, in order to finish the PhD within a period of 4 years.


For more information about this PhD position, contact prof. dr. Joke Torbeyns, tel.: +32 16 32 57 18, mail: joke.torbeyns at kuleuven.be.

Application must include

- A full curriculum vitae;

- A letter of motivation;

All candidates are evaluated and selected for an interview on the basis of both curriculum vitae and letter of motivation. We will inform all candidates selected for an interview on Friday 3 July 2020 by latest.
The interviews are organized on Wednesday 8 July 2020 in Leuven (if possible). The invitation for the interview will also include a recent empirical article on the central topic of the PhD project. The invited candidates will be asked to read the article, briefly present the article - in English - during the interview, and discuss - again in English - their first ideas about the PhD project on the basis of the article. The other parts of the interview will be conducted in Dutch.

More information: https://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/jobs/55667413?hl=en&lang=en

Prof. Dr. Bert De Smedt
KU Leuven - University of Leuven
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Leopold Vanderkelenstraat 32 - bus 3765
B-3000 Leuven

Phone: + 32 16 32 57 05
email: Bert.DeSmedt at kuleuven.be<mailto:Bert.DeSmedt at kuleuven.be>


ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3313-3278
Researcher-ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-4729-2010

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