[MATHLINK] Next Virtual Brown Bag May 29 feat. Dr. Erin Maloney!

MCLS Trainee mclstrainee at gmail.com
Fri May 22 12:51:34 EDT 2020

Dear MCLS Community,

Happy Friday! We hope everyone had a good week and is looking forward to
the weekend ahead. We have uploaded the recording of our first virtual
brown bag from last Friday here: https://youtu.be/6hSAipMiZH4. Feel free to
share with colleagues! Also a reminder that nominations
<https://forms.gle/6beLvdbyjYJfLWZT6> for MCLS Training Board elections are
due *Monday.*

We're also excited to announce our next brown bag *next Friday, May
29* at *11am
EST // 4pm BST *(same time as last week). The talk will run 30-40 minutes
to allow ample time for questions and discussion. I know Dr. Maloney will
be happy to answer questions about her work, as well as questions about
being an early career researcher. More information is below:

*Math Anxiety, Math Achievement, and Mathematical Well-Being*
Skills in mathematics and science are central to innovation and
productivity growth. These are, in turn, necessary for improving standards
of living in Canada. In this talk, I will discuss a major barrier to
success and well-being in mathematics – math anxiety. Defined as feelings
of fear, tension, and apprehension surrounding mathematical problem
solving, math anxiety is argued to be an impediment to success in
mathematics and interest in math and science-related careers. I will
present a series of studies that have helped to elucidate how one may come
to develop math anxiety and who may be most at risk.

Please feel free to share this information widely -- the MATHLINK listserv
can be inconsistent at times, and we are aware that some people did not
receive the talk announcement last time.

The MCLS Training Board

Ribner, Andrew David is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Ribner, Andrew David's Zoom Meeting
Time: May 29, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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