MCLS conference 2023
5 to 8 June 2023 | Loughborough, UK
The Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS) held its 6th annual conference in Loughborough, United Kingdom. The in-person conference was hosted by members of the Centre for Mathematical Cognition as well as the Department of Mathematics Education at Loughborough University, United Kingdom.
The short-form conference programme can be found here and the full book of abstracts can be found here.
For those seeking the pub guide, it can be accessed here.
Organising Committee
Julia Bahnmueller (Chair, Loughborough University)
Krzysztof Cipora (Loughborough University)
Camilla Gilmore (Loughborough University)
Matthew Inglis (Loughborough University)
Ella James-Brabham (Loughborough University)
Manisha Mistry (Loughborough University)
Scientific Committee
Krzysztof Cipora (Loughborough University)
Ece Demir Lira (University of Chicago)
Nancy Estévez Pérez (Cuban Neuroscience Center)
Natalie Flint (Loughborough University)
Matthew Foster (University of South Florida)
Camilla Gilmore (Loughborough University)
Kinga Morsanyi (Loughborough University)
Rachel Pizzie (Gallaudet University)
Sarah Powell (University of Texas)
Miriam Rosenberg-Lee (Rutgers University)
Serena Rossi (Loughborough University)
Francesco Sella (Loughborough University)
Mojtaba Soltanlou (University of Surrey)
Eric Wilkey (Vanderbilt University)
Franz Wortha (Loughborough University)
Silke Wortha (Loughborough University)
Iro Xenidou-Dervou (Loughborough University)
Supporting Crew
Jonathan Causton (Loughborough University)
Megan Foulkes (Loughborough University)
Tanya Gleadow (Loughborough University)
Oliver Harrison (Loughborough University)
Muhammad Husnain (Loughborough University)
Alina Kalnina-Kalnaraja (Loughborough University)
Hannah D. Loenneker (University of Tübingen)
Sheeza Mahak (Loughborough University)
Aatif Patel (Loughborough University)
Nicoletta Perini (Loughborough University)
Serena Rossi (Loughborough University)
Lilly Roth (University of Tübingen)
Alison Roulstone (Loughborough University)
Usama Saad (Loughborough University)
Katie Smith (Loughborough University)
George Thoma (Loughborough University)
Hanna Weiers (Loughborough University)
Franz Wortha (Loughborough University)