MCLS Trainees
The MCLS is proud and lucky to have an active, diverse, and wide representation of excellent early-career researchers and we hope to see many old and new faces at the conference.
Led by the MCLS trainee board, several activities will be in place to allow trainees to get involved and get connected. Please see below.
Trainee Social Event Thursday, 6/27
6-8 pm
Crooked Run Fermentation
550 Morse St. NE
Washington, DC
All trainees are invited to join the trainee social event!
The MCLS Trainee Board will pre-order pizzas — please reach out to Lilly Roth if you require vegan, gluten-free, or lactose-free options.
Mentoring Lunch Thursday 6/27
12-1 pm
Room SAC 1010
Bring your lunch to room SAC 1010 for an opportunity to connect with your mentor, mentee, or buddy! During the event, attendees are encouraged to partner with another mentoring pair to share experiences, learn from each other, and build professional relationships.