Travel Awards

We are excited to offer several ways to support trainee attendance at this year’s MCLS conference in Washington, DC. Awards will cover MCLS membership and conference registration costs in addition to a portion of trainees’ travel expenses. The application for awards can be found here:

MCLS Travel Award: Travel awards are available for students who are currently attending institutions outside of North America and Europe or who are currently attending an institution in a country with a gross national income (GNI) per capita less than US $20000 (see for a full list of all countries).

Foundry10 Travel Award: Foundry10 is again sponsoring both students and postdoctoral trainees from a group that is traditionally underrepresented in research careers. Preference is given to students, but there are no constraints on country of residency or citizenship.

If you are interested in one or more of these travel awards, please fill out the application form below by February 9, 2024 (NOTE: DEADLINE EXTENDED!). Priority will be given to trainees who would otherwise cover a large portion of their expenses out of pocket.

Please note that awards for individuals currently residing in countries embargoed or sanctioned by the US ( may be limited.


Applicants will be notified of a decision by February 29, 2024.

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